Wednesday 11 September 2013

Riding that emotional roller coaster called life

Is it possible to feel angry, upset, calm and mellow all at the same time? You know the kind of mood swings that you can’t make head nor tails of, and you can’t balance them out against each other? Where one part of your brain makes you feel like crying, but you can’t because the other part is too calm and collected. I feel like a schizophrenic tonight, arguing with myself in my head, one voice saying ‘get a grip and stay calm’, while the other is saying ‘fuck you, I want to cry and I will!’ I feel totally lost. This is something totally new to me. I’ve felt all those emotions on a regular basis, sometimes two at once, but never four in one go. And I’m at a loss as to how I can try to get myself back on level ground.
I spend a couple of minutes getting wound up but not able to get pent up enough to get the aggression out so as quick as it rises, it goes away. As it climbs and builds, there’s something pushing it back down. Kind of like a fire, trying to rise up from my feet but someone’s stood at my head, dropping small bits of water on top to put the flames out.
I don’t want this to come across as dramatic. It’s not a life or death situation and it’s not going to stop me from getting on with my day, but when my body stops, my brain starts working, and as an insomniac already, I’m sure I’m in for a couple of rough nights. I’m questioning myself and my actions, I have so many unanswered questions I need from someone who I haven’t spoken to in years and it’s all playing on a loop in my head. But it’s fine because while it’s making me feel all topsy turvy, the main feeling inside of me that stands out from all the rest is courage and that over rides it all. The issue making me feel like this is one that has been buried in the back of me for nearly 26 years. And I think I’m finally ready to face my past and my demons.
I’m not going to go into an explanation just now as it’s a rather scarring thing and 26 years later, a bit part of me still feels that pain. I may open up to others one day, either personally to my friends or on here but until I have dealt with it myself and closed the door on that part of my life, I’m not ready to try to explain to random strangers or friends just yet.

My councillor once told me though that I should write an autobiography, apparently my life has been quiet complicated and I did and went through more in my first 16 years on this planet, than the average person would go through in 40 years. Apparently it would be a riveting read, and is an avenue I’d definitely like to explore when I’m a little older and have matured enough to explain myself better than I can right now. I’ve always struggled to voice my thoughts and feelings. Whether that is getting them out vocally, where I stutter and stumble, going around the houses to try to get to the point I’m originally trying to make. I struggle more with speaking because it’s like all my thoughts are so jumbled in my head, that it’s hard to piece them together into a sentence. Spilling it onto paper has always been easier for me, but I’m still learning. Instead of ranting and posting straight away, which means my writing can come across as quite volatile and aggressive to the reader, I am learning how to take my time to read read and re write when I’ve calmed down slightly.  I’m still finding myself and have got some growing up to do. But each day I’m finding it easier and easier to express myself. 

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