Friday 6 September 2013

Do you deserve the title 'Dad'? i think not!

So I work in a takeaway and obviously we have a couple of delivery drivers who work for us. One of who is a middle aged, overweight, rather unattractive guy. This guy, has just come out with the classic statement ... “I have ten kids, but that's nowt. My mate has 37 kids!"
Nowt to be proud of you absolute fuck nut!!! 
Because first off, All those kids definitely won’t be getting the time and attention they require of a full time dad and second, who the fuck is paying for their upbringing?? Because I bet it won’t be you on your minimum wage delivery driver salary now will it??
Things like this grate on my last nerve so sodding much it’s unreal! Its men like this that give the few good ones a bad name! Men like this who drain the economy and fuck society! Going around dipping their wick wherever it suits them and leaving the consequences of their actions with a part time dad and a mum, who 9/10, will use the government to fund the childs upbringing because the father either can’t or won’t!
And I’m not just getting on at men here. Women are just as bad! My own birth mother for example … 5 kids to 4 different men! And she ain’t ever provided for 3 of us, just palmed us off on the government and expected someone else to pick up the slack! (which my adoptive parents did amazingly well by the way! So grateful for them). My son’s so called ‘father’ … 4 kids to 3 different women! And he only provides partially for 3 (not mine by the way!)
Why on earth do people, in this day and age not use protection?! If you’re not willing to raise a child .. don’t make one!  It really is that simple!
Then you get these people moaning about the new bedroom tax … ‘oh but I have 4 kids in a 2 bedroom house and the COUNCIL won’t rehome us’ … excuse me if I’m wrong, but it’s not the councils problem to rehome you! Me and my partner work hard to provide for our children, as do many of my friends and family, and if we want more children, we’ll wait until we finally secure enough to either rent privately or buy our own home. We don’t just keep popping out kids and expecting other people to deal with it!
One case of a local woman with 11 kids, who’s constantly complaining that her TWO houses (yes … TWO!) aren’t big enough for her brood and DEMANDS that the council do more, springs to mind. But the less said about that the better, cos if I get onto that topic I’ll be here til Easter!
So to sum it up … having tons of kids is nothing to be proud of unless you can say
Yes … I provide financially/physically/mentally for them
Yes … I am able to spend time with them
Yes … I will work and raise my kids to have a strong sense of responsibility
Then you can just go and fuck yourself!!

Thank you! 

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