Saturday 7 September 2013

I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar!

The last few months have been eventful to say the least. 2 months of illness, dodgy cartilidge around my knee, and general crappiness from chucking the cigarettes. I've been stopped smoking now 9 weeks today and have suffered the usual crap that comes with chucking an addiction, as well as gaining a stone. As a trainee fitness instructor, that's really not what I want to happen. Two months taken out of training because of it all has damn near killed me! I've been so low, miserable and slightly depressed at the whole situation. My biggest stress relief was to go smash it out in Tai class or spin class then have a nice cigarette afterwards but when you take away the two main releases, understandably I've been a wee bit on edge.
Add to all that the stress I've had over whether I can get on my sports course or if it will clash with my work shifts and finding a placement, its all been a right kerfuffle! But then all of a sudden in the space of a week, it all comes neatly together, ... been referred for an MRI scan on my knee, think my nicotine withdrawls have finally gone, and the course has slotted perfectly around my work ... so now I feel like I can breath!
And I feel like I'm coming back up, crawling my way back to the top! I was the girl who spent 4 hours a day doing weights and cardio, and I WILL get back to that! If you love and want something enough, you can achieve it. To celebrate things looking up, my best friend Steve took me out for a drive up the coast today. We had a lovely lunch and a nice walk around the arcades and shops and just generally chilled out.

This was the view from the café , absolutely stunning!

This one is just around the side of the café.
There's just something about water that, no matter how angry or frustrated I am, can always make me feel calm and relaxed. I could quiet happily have sat on one of those board walks for hours today, just lost in my own thoughts, oblivious to the world around me. The sound of the water lapping against the edge, the glistening in the sun, or waves crashing against the wall when its cold and raining, it is one of my favourite places to be in the world.
So no rant from me this evening. I have the fire back in my belly, feeling confident, haven't come across any dickheads in the last 12 hours, and feeling rather chilled. Surely I'll be back pretty soon though with another rant lol. In the mean time, be like the tiger and let everyone hear you roar!!
ref:Katy Perry

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